Salience Bedford
1604 Hospital Pkwy, #407,
Bedford, TX 76022
Available on the back side of the hospital. Located in Professional Building 2. Patient parking available in front of the building.
Salience Bedford
1604 Hospital Pkwy, #407,
Bedford, TX 76022
Available on the back side of the hospital. Located in Professional Building 2. Patient parking available in front of the building.
Salience Bedford
1604 Hospital Pkwy, #407,
Bedford, TX 76022
Available on the back side of the hospital. Located in Professional Building 2. Patient parking available in front of the building.
Understanding Insurance Coverage for TMS Treatment
Focus on reconnecting to your life, not your insurance. Most major insurance carriers cover TMS treatment. Our patient advocates quickly handle details, payment options, and prior authorization before getting started with treatment.

Understanding Insurance Coverage for TMS Treatment
Focus on reconnecting to your life, not your insurance. Most major insurance carriers cover TMS treatment. Our patient advocates quickly handle details, payment options, and prior authorization before getting started with treatment.

Understanding Insurance Coverage for TMS Treatment
Focus on reconnecting to your life, not your insurance. Most major insurance carriers cover TMS treatment. Our patient advocates quickly handle details, payment options, and prior authorization before getting started with treatment.

See If TMS Therapy Is Right For You
Schedule Your Consultation Today